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Executive Insights :

David Fellers

Dave is CEO of Bramasol. After joining the company in 2007 as VP of Professional Services, he became CEO in 2011 and has led the company through record-setting growth and revenues highlighted by a successful re-focusing on serving the Office of the CFO. By building a deep and broad consulting practice that leverages our Comply, Optimize, Transform™ disciplines and a track record of co-innovation with SAP, Dave has positioned Bramasol as the go-to partner for clients that are looking to move into the Digital Solutions Economy and/or to leverage the Digital Transformation of finance using SAP S/4HANA.
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Top Ten Technical Accounting Tips and Real-World Case Studies on ASC 842 and ASC 606

Thu, Sep 19, 2019 @ 06:28 AM / by David Fellers posted in asset management

Technical Accounting Tips for Optimizing Disclosures and Reporting for ASC 606 and 842

This webinar includes a discussion of Top Ten Technical Accounting Tips for accelerating financial reporting disclosures, which have been gleaned from Bramasol's experience guiding our clients through real-world issues surrounding ASC 606 and ASC 842.compliance.  We've also seen what doesn't work by helping companies overcome false starts and dead-ends.

Examples of the implementation situations covered includes:

  • An oil and gas services company found over 100 additional leases in a subsidiary that the corporate office did not realize were still being paid and expensed because it was small amounts and lessors typically would not tell you and allow it to go month to month!
    Lesson Learned: Know where your leases are!

  • A large pharmaceutical company underestimated the data abstraction process and delayed the project by five months because not only did the leases have to be abstracted but also interpreted by outsid
    e leasing accountants.
    Lesson Learned: Better upfront planning can avoid cost overruns and time delays!


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Working Capital Management: Exploring the What, Why and How

Tue, Sep 10, 2019 @ 03:45 PM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, Treasury Management

Working capital is the lifeblood of most organizations and, as such, it needs to be watched closely and managed in a comprehensive, real-time, and proactive manner.

All finance departments must manage working capital to keep their business operations running, while maintaining the agility to support the strategic goals and growth objectives of their business. Working capital management and optimization are key to assuring a business can maintain production, cover the cost of wages and supplies – and also have enough liquidity on hand to service their short-term credit obligations.

Any gaps are likely to be filled by external capital – usually at a higher cost than internally available funding. Being able to accurately measure and manage working capital, and avoid expensive external financing, can provide companies with an important competitive advantage.

Most CFOs use working capital as a key indicator of the operating health of the business. They focus on questions such as: Are we collecting our bills in a timely manner? Are we taking all the discounts that we are entitled to? Are we carrying too much inventory in our warehouses?

These basic metrics all have a direct impact on liquidity. However, the answers to these key working capital questions are inherently dynamic and constantly changing.

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Join Bramasol and SAP at Upcoming Finance Events

Tue, Aug 27, 2019 @ 04:35 PM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective

As we move into Fall, there are a number of important events coming up for CFOs and other finance leaders, where you'll get a chance to network with colleagues and talk with experts in creating and implementing solutions for treasury, compliance, disclosure reporting and other related finance management issues.  Bramasol is proud to be a participant and in some cases an enabling sponsor for the following key conferences.  Please plan to join us.

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Choosing Treasury Solutions for Sustained Success: Understanding the Trade-offs of Standalone vs Integrated Approaches

Thu, Aug 8, 2019 @ 04:55 PM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, Treasury Management

Treasury functions are not easily isolated from the rest of operational applications that are typically spread throughout an organization – nor should they be.  In fact, almost all treasury processes can benefit greatly from becoming more integrated with other business processes. 

However, all too often, companies are enticed by the promises of standalone treasury and risk management applications that claim to be inter-operable but fall short of providing true seamless integration with core ERP business and finance applications.

The strategic importance of treasury has been increasing steadily in recent years, thereby leading to a proliferation of new capabilities from both standalone application vendors and broad-based ERP/finance systems providers.

Companies are also coming under more pressure from shareholders and regulators to increase their transparency and improve financial performance. These expectations are leading to significant changes to the treasury functions as activities are increasingly being centralized. 

At the same time, most companies are experiencing more complexity with regard to changing compliance requirements, diverse global operations, regional and local regulatory mandates, international trade and foreign currency issues, geographically diverse banking relationships and escalating risk factors in the financial arena.

So, the key question that now arises is “what is the best approach for both today and for tomorrow?”

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Stuck in an ASC 842 Dead-end? Convert to the Fast-track with CLM

Tue, Jul 16, 2019 @ 08:47 AM / by David Fellers posted in SAPLeaseAdmin, Thought Leadership, CLM

As public companies have worked over the past two years to comply with new ASC 842 and IFRS 16 leasing standards, they have taken a variety of paths to achieve the initial compliance requirements. Depending on each company’s specific requirements and the extent of their lease portfolios, their journey to compliance may have been comprehensive or might have taken a limited approach with a “path of least resistance” philosophy to minimize disruptions. 

However, those companies that took a limited approach using standalone solutions or spreadsheets are now discovering they’re stuck in a dead-end with regard to integrating and optimizing lease compliance within their overall business operations.

As the leading experts in SAP Leasing Solutions for ASC 842 and IFRS 16, we've seen it all and we know what works. Integration can be hard. Data validation is required far more than you expected and reporting is anything but a snap, especially if you need data from your ERP as well as your leasing solution. 

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Webinar Video- Cloud for Treasury

Mon, Jul 15, 2019 @ 07:30 AM / by David Fellers posted in cloud, Treasury Management

Imagine the power of an ERP based Treasury Solution combined with the scalability, flexibility and security of a cloud based solution. It is here! Join experts from SAP and Bramasol as we explore the latest features of the SAP Cloud for Treasury Solution.

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When it comes to S/4 HANA - Using a Fit-to-Standard Approach Enables a Fit-for-Innovation Mentality

Wed, Jun 26, 2019 @ 04:58 AM / by David Fellers posted in CFO, Financial Innovation, S4HANA, Thought Leadership

Most companies are continuously dealing with pressures to keep up with changes in their external marketplaces, competitive landscapes, customer needs, and investor expectations. These external issues are also driving internal pressures to improve efficiency, productivity, agility, security and enterprise-wide alignment and integration.

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Machine Learning Opens Key Gateway for Jump-starting Finance Optimization

Thu, May 30, 2019 @ 08:04 AM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective, Machine Learning

At the recent SAPPHIRE NOW and ASUG Annual Conference, Bramasol presented our Comply, Optimize, Transform™ finance innovation approach, which is designed to build on the things that you “have to do” such as Compliance with accounting standards and using those changes to drive Optimization of related business processes. Ultimately, the goal is to leverage the journey through compliance and optimization to achieve Finance Transformation.

In this blog, we are taking a closer look at Machine Learning, which is one of the most important new tools for taking that first step from Compliance to Optimization, while also establishing capabilities to build from for moving from Optimization toward Transformation.

As companies face exponentially growing amounts of data that can overwhelm individuals decision-making ability, the emergence of Machine Learning provides an powerful new method for helping people improve decision-making bandwidth, responsiveness, accuracy and consistency of results.

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Bramasol Debuts "Insights to Action" Podcast Series

Thu, May 2, 2019 @ 07:44 AM / by David Fellers

Bramasol is pleased to announce the release of Bramasol's Insights to Action podcast library of topics covering Regulatory Compliance, Reporting, Disclosures, Financial Management and Financial Transformation technologies.

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DSE Webcast
Download eBook - Transitioning to ASC 842: Why Robust Analytical Reporting Tools will be a must for all Entities

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