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Executive Insights

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SAP Migration Tools Help Reduce Digital Debt During Your Cloud Transition Process

Tue, Jul 16, 2024 @ 05:13 PM / by David Fellers posted in S/4 HANA Cloud, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, digital debt, RISE with SAP, SAP GROW, clean core

With each quarterly earnings announcement showing dramatic increases in cloud ERP revenue, SAP’s strategic shift to S/4HANA cloud services is clearly now in full swing. In Q1 2024, revenue from the Cloud ERP Suite was up 32% and reached $3.48 billion US, marking nine straight quarters of 30%-plus growth. 

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Unifying Operational Accounting and Compliance Accounting in the Office of the CFO

Tue, Jun 25, 2024 @ 09:56 AM / by David Fellers posted in Leasing Solution, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, Compliance, Treasury Management, Automated Revenue Management, Order to cash, cost accounting

The role of enterprise level CFOs has changed radically over the past decade with both a widening scope of influence and greater responsibilities for helping guide corporate transformation programs and technology choices. Instead of the historic backward-looking role focused primarily on gathering and reporting data, the Office of the CFO is now much more involved in proactively analyzing trends and formulating forward-looking strategies to drive future company results. 

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SAP Gen AI Capabilities Shift into High Gear with New Announcements at SAPPHIRE

Thu, Jun 13, 2024 @ 10:17 AM / by David Fellers posted in S4HANA, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, AI, Artificial Intelligence

With Sapphire now behind us, it is a great time for this Insights series to provide a quick overview of all the AI-related  new initiatives from SAP and strategic partners that were announced and/or spotlighted during the event.

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Are Your Compliance Processes Keeping Up with Evolving Audit Requirements?

Mon, May 13, 2024 @ 08:38 AM / by David Fellers posted in Professional Services, Revenue Recognition, SAP RAR, Thought Leadership, Accounting Advisory Services, SAP GROW, High Tech, Semi Conductor, Software, Media, Life Science, Health, PharmaCeutical, PCAOB

Discover how SAP solutions lay a solid foundation for audits and next level PCAOB or AICPA compliance reviews.

For any public company, the goal of successfully complying with periodic financial reviews by external auditors cannot be overstated. While passing each audit is a critically important milestone, companies also should understand that it is only one aspect of ensuring their financial transparency and integrity. 

This post provides a deeper look into the organizations that are overseeing your auditors and provides key insights into how your financial, compliance and reporting processes need to be robust enough to satisfy these "audit the auditors" reviews. 

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How SAP's Sustainability Solutions Align with the Changing ESG Landscape

Tue, Apr 16, 2024 @ 05:59 AM / by David Fellers posted in Professional Services, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, carbon accounting, ESG, High Tech, Semi Conductor, Software, Media, Life Science, Health, PharmaCeutical, Sustainability

With the 54th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2024, now is a good opportunity to review the progress of corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives with an eye toward the future and a review of available tools for monitoring, managing and reporting ESG information. 

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New SAP AI Initiatives Will Enhance Order-to-Cash to Compliance Processes

Mon, Apr 15, 2024 @ 01:14 PM / by David Fellers posted in Professional Services, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, AI, Digital Solutions Economy, Order to cash, quote to cash, Semi Conductor, Software, Media, Life Science, Health, PharmaCeutical, BRIM

Previously in this series, we have explored the big picture regarding How Generative AI is Impacting the Digital Solutions Economy. In this new post, we get more granular to provide an update on how AI and Gen AI can enhance productivity, insights, and results in finance applications such as order-to-cash to compliance (OTC2), along with a look at how new SAP AI initiatives are key to this transformation.

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New Recurring Revenue Solutions in the Global Semiconductor Industry

Wed, Mar 20, 2024 @ 01:03 PM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, Digital Solutions Economy, Order to cash, Recurring Revenue, Semi Conductor, BRIM

In recent years, the semiconductor industry has experienced a roller coaster ride of widely swinging changes in both challenges and opportunities. During the pandemic, the mass movement to work-from-home scenarios and heavy reliance on networked applications drove demand up at the same time that global supply chains were severely disrupted. Then, in the past two years, the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence with generative-AI applications popping up seemingly everywhere has been driving another peak in demand for chip makers.

In addition, geopolitical concerns about semiconductor IP and manufacturing are also significantly influencing decisions on where semiconductor foundries and assembly facilities should be located and whether advanced chip designs should be banned from export to certain countries.

According to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), the industry will see a 13% sales rise in 2024, after declining 8.2% in 2023, while Gartner, Inc. forecasts that global semiconductor revenue will grow 16.8% in 2024 to total $624 billion.  International Data Corporation (IDC) also upgraded its Semiconductor Market Outlook, calling for a return to growth, with a 20.2% increase to $633 billion in 2024.

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How SAP ERP Clean Core Helps Minimize Digital Debt and Enhance Agility

Thu, Mar 7, 2024 @ 03:18 PM / by David Fellers posted in Professional Services, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, digital debt, RISE with SAP, clean core, High Tech, Semi Conductor, Software, Media, Life Science, Health, PharmaCeutical, Automotive

Recent posts in this series have provided updates on SAP RISE and GROW, with a focus on how they can help streamline the path for companies migrating to SAP public and private cloud editions.  This new episode drills down into the concept of maintaining a "clean core" in your ERP system to assure a solid foundation that minimizes unnecessary customization, which could impede organizational agility going forward.

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Change Management is Key to Digital Transformation Success

Tue, Jan 2, 2024 @ 02:21 PM / by David Fellers posted in SaaS, Professional Services, S4HANA, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, Digital Solutions Economy, Order to cash, quote to cash, change management, BRIM

In today's fast-paced business environment, digital transformation has become a necessity rather than a luxury. Organizations are constantly seeking ways to evolve and stay competitive in the digital age.

However, implementing digital transformation projects is not as simple as adopting new technology. It involves a complex process of redefining workflows, business models, and employee roles. This is where change management plays a crucial role. In this blog post, we will delve into what change management is, explore its key aspects, and discuss how it provides benefits for digital transformation projects.

What is Change Management?

Change management has been around a long time as a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from their current state to a desired future state. It involves planning, implementing, and monitoring changes systematically, aiming to minimize resistance and maximize the benefits of change. In the context of digital transformation, change management focuses on guiding people through the shifts required by technology adoption and process reengineering.

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