Executive insigh


Executive Insights

How SAP's Sustainability Solutions Align with the Changing ESG Landscape

Tue, Apr 16, 2024 @ 05:59 AM / by David Fellers posted in Professional Services, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, carbon accounting, ESG, High Tech, Semi Conductor, Software, Media, Life Science, Health, PharmaCeutical, Sustainability

With the 54th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, 2024, now is a good opportunity to review the progress of corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives with an eye toward the future and a review of available tools for monitoring, managing and reporting ESG information. 

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A Fresh Look at Ongoing ESG and Carbon Accounting Developments

Sat, Jul 22, 2023 @ 09:39 AM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, carbon accounting, ESG

Previous posts in this blog series on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and carbon accounting have spotlighted carbon accounting as a trend to watch, looked at ESG impacts on M&A, and tracked the emergence of new ESG standards.

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How Corporate Social Responsibility Can Make Real Differences in People's Lives

Fri, Jun 16, 2023 @ 06:05 AM / by David Fellers posted in CEO perspective, Thought Leadership, CSR, ESG

Several times in the past, this blog series has focused on various big picture issues regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs, compliance and carbon accounting solutions.

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