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Hot-Tip: Accounting Standards Update to ASC 842

Sun, Aug 13, 2023 @ 09:41 AM / by Accounting Advisory Team posted in FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, Leasing-Hot-Tips, ASC 842, Hot Tips, Accounting Advisory Services

FASB has issued an update regarding ASC 842 through its Post-Implementation Review (PIR) process that is intended to respond to the concerns expressed by private company stakeholders about applying Topic 842 to related party arrangements between entities under common control.

Specific issues addressed in the PIR are:

  1. Which terms and conditions should be considered when determining whether a lease exists and, if so, the classification and accounting for the lease.
  2. The accounting for leasehold improvements associated with leases between entities under common control.
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Getting started with SAP S/4HANA Cloud | How-to Use-Case Videos for S/4HANA Cloud-Tutorials

Thu, May 28, 2020 @ 12:34 AM / by Bramasol Financial Transformation Team posted in SAP, S/4 HANA Cloud, FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, S4HANA

Bramasol published a series of How-to Use-Case Videos for S/4HANA Cloud about getting started with SAP S/4HANA Cloud. In this blog, you will find the videos embedded with some additional information and resources.

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Webinar Video- Creating the Foundation for Finance Transformation: Data Strategies from BackOffice and Bramasol

Tue, Feb 19, 2019 @ 07:49 AM / by Bramasol Financial Transformation Team posted in analytics, webinar, financial transformation, FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips

Recent Studies from the Big Four show that data integrity and security are top concerns for CFOs embarking on Finance Transformation projects.

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Special Event: Executive Round Table in Atlanta GA on Feb 21, 2019

Mon, Jan 21, 2019 @ 03:24 PM / by Bramasol Financial Transformation Team posted in financial transformation, FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, SAP Events

Special Event at College Football Hall of Fame
Atlanta Executive Round-Table

As we’re entering a new era of digital transformation, and forward-thinking businesses are working on strategies focused on how to move faster, be more responsive, less manual, and more transparent, companies need a plan that can help them succeed in this journey.

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Analytics is the New Face of Financial Transformation

Thu, Jan 10, 2019 @ 05:38 AM / by David Fellers posted in FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, CEO perspective, Thought Leadership

People are hard-wired to recognize and interpret faces with amazing speed, accuracy and attention to detail. Even as infants we quickly learn to know our own parents’ faces and to differentiate them from strangers’ faces. Throughout life, the ability to automatically pick up on subtle facial cues and to “read” the meaning behind them are critical factors for streamlining complex social interactions and enabling rapid decisions such as friend vs. foe, and cooperation vs. opposition.

Imagine if you met someone without a face. How would you even begin to interact with them?

Well, that’s how most CFOs and other C-level executives feel when they hear the term “Financial Transformation” without a way to clearly visualize what it means.

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Can Automation and AI make the Monthly Accounting Close Obsolete?

Tue, Nov 27, 2018 @ 04:00 AM / by Julio Dalla Costa posted in cloud, analytics, financial transformation, FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, S4HANA, Thought Leadership, Hot Tips, Automation, Accounting, AI, Compliance

Whether you’re a CFO or a financial controller, you know how much time and effort you and your team spend deep in concentration to get your monthly accounting figures to balance. Your accounts payable and accounts receivable work doesn’t get much attention unless things go wrong, but all the time you need to stay on top of your tasks to keep things running smoothly.

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Celebrate AP Recognition Week by Learning How Concur and S/4HANA can Streamline Expense Management

Tue, Oct 9, 2018 @ 09:40 AM / by Bramasol Financial Transformation Team posted in FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, S/4HANA, Hot Tips

The Institute of Financial Operations sets aside a week every year to celebrate the dedication, drive, and accomplishments of Accounts Payable staff as key financial operations professionals.

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New S/4HANA version 1809 Released to General Availability

Tue, Sep 25, 2018 @ 12:56 AM / by Bramasol Financial Transformation Team posted in FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, S/4HANA, Hot Tips

Today marks a key milestone in the evolution of S/4HANA with the release to general availability of SAP S/4HANA 1809.  As a co-innovation partner with SAP, Bramasol is pleased to offer our help and expertise on mapping out and fulfilling your journey to SAP S/4HANA.

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Join Bramasol at SAP Controlling Conference in San Diego, CA Sept. 17-20, 2018

Tue, Aug 7, 2018 @ 05:54 AM / by Bramasol Financial Transformation Team posted in FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, S4HANA, SAP Controlling, SAP Events, Hot Tips

Plan ahead to join Bramasol and other SAP Professionals at SAP Controlling 2018 conference in San Diego, CA on September 17-20, 2018.

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Download eBook - Transitioning to ASC 842: Why Robust Analytical Reporting Tools will be a must for all Entities

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