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Executive Insights

Webinar- You have Complied with ASC 606, So Now How Can You Automate Revenue Recognition?

Thu, May 23, 2019 @ 02:56 AM / by Bramasol RevRec Team posted in webinar, Revenue Recognition, revrec, ASC606, IFRS15, Automation

In your Comply, Optimize, Transform™ journey, one of the most important steps is that initial move from basic compliance requirements to the automation of related processes for better integration and productivity.

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Can Automation and AI make the Monthly Accounting Close Obsolete?

Tue, Nov 27, 2018 @ 04:00 AM / by Julio Dalla Costa posted in cloud, analytics, financial transformation, FinancialTransformation-Hot-Tips, S4HANA, Thought Leadership, Hot Tips, Automation, Accounting, AI, Compliance

Whether you’re a CFO or a financial controller, you know how much time and effort you and your team spend deep in concentration to get your monthly accounting figures to balance. Your accounts payable and accounts receivable work doesn’t get much attention unless things go wrong, but all the time you need to stay on top of your tasks to keep things running smoothly.

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DSE Webcast
Download eBook - Transitioning to ASC 842: Why Robust Analytical Reporting Tools will be a must for all Entities

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