Getting started with SAP S/4HANA Cloud | How-to Use-Case Videos for S/4HANA Cloud-Tutorials

Bramasol published a series of How-to Use-Case Videos for S/4HANA Cloud about getting started with SAP S/4HANA Cloud. In this blog, you will find the videos embedded with some additional information and resources.

You can watch the eight video tutorials in a little under an hour. What you get back is

  • How supplier Master Data Changes Affect Purchase Orders
  • Get demo on Order to Billing
  • Get demo on Supplier Invoice to payment
  • How to show all purchase items that still needs to be delivered
  • And much more.

Here's a glimpse of How-to Use-Case Videos for S/4HANA Cloud- Episode 1

Ready? Let’s jump right in to watch the videos



About the author

Bramasol Financial Transformation Team