Webinar Video- Creating the Foundation for Finance Transformation: Data Strategies from BackOffice and Bramasol

Recent Studies from the Big Four show that data integrity and security are top concerns for CFOs embarking on Finance Transformation projects.

Join Bramasol and BackOffice for this webinar to learn how a well thought out data strategy and governance model, together with a compliance framework sets the foundation for Finance Transformation.

Hear about running early data assessments to ensure the data you have is the right data, clean data and meaningful data. Learn how a solid governance model can ensure you get the most from your Machine Learning and RPA processes. Understand why without these, your analytics can and will lead you astray. Don't miss this crucial webinar.

Creating the Foundation for Finance Transformation- Data Strategies from BackOffice and Bramasol 28_Feb_webinar_700x300_watchnow-

Webinar Recorded on-

  • Day- Thursday
  • Date- Feb 28, 2019

Watch now and share with Finance Leaders.


About the author

Bramasol Financial Transformation Team