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John Froelich

Senior Vice President Digital Services at Bramasol, Inc. In his role at Bramasol, John Froelich draws upon more than 35 years of global sales, marketing, and executive leadership experience with Fortune 100 companies such as SAP, IBM, AT&T, and Avaya. John, a Global Sales and Marketing "Essentialist" believes outstanding results are achieved through a focus on what is essential and core to your business.
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"Big So What" episode on Predictability

Fri, Aug 7, 2020 @ 06:00 AM / by John Froelich posted in project management, Big So What, predictability

This week's "Friday Big So What" episode focuses on Predictability, with a quick look at why it's important, how it can put people at ease, and a review of what's entailed with creating it.

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"Big So What" episode on Leveraging the Art of the Possible

Wed, Jul 22, 2020 @ 12:21 PM / by John Froelich posted in Big So What

This week's Friday Big So What episode looks at "Possibilities" and how you can make them reality by leveraging concepts such as Design Thinking, The Art of the Possible and Zero-Based Design approaches.  Learn how you can turn the current disruptive environment into real opportunities for change in order to maximize your possibilities in the post-COVID new normal.

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"Big So What" episode on Choice - Can you have too many choices?

Tue, Jul 14, 2020 @ 07:47 AM / by John Froelich posted in Big So What

Each Friday, I'll be sharing a new "Big So What" episode, which consists of a short (5 minute) discussion of observations on human behavior and directly relates these perspectives to real world challenges in optimizing your finance and business decisions.

This week's episode looks at "Choice" with a peek into how we can become blocked by too few choices or paralyzed by too many!

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AFP Survey Shows Where Companies are Focusing Their Treasury Initiatives

Fri, Jul 19, 2019 @ 03:38 PM / by John Froelich posted in Treasury Management

The latest Association for Financial Professionals® (AFP) 2019 AFP Risk Survey - The Evolving Treasury Ecosystem, examines the challenges that companies are facing regarding their treasury operations, with an emphasis on how they are looking to leverage new technologies.

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Financial automation: turning compliance into competitive advantage

Fri, Nov 2, 2018 @ 03:00 PM / by John Froelich posted in financial transformation, Thought Leadership

Today’s CFO is bombarded with buzzwords and talk about the latest and greatest trends in corporate finance. The typical finance professional is usually occupied with more practical considerations. Buzzwords aren’t high on the agenda when some new regulatory control is fighting for your attention or you’re busy keeping an eye on the bottom line.

Still, those buzzwords and trends persist. It’s little wonder that finance pros are confused by it all.

Here are a few such terms you might have heard of:

  1. Predictive accounting – using accounting to predict revenue.
  2. Machine learning in finance and accounting.
  3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

It’s natural to ask whether any of this matters. Is it worth devoting mental bandwidth to these new trends?

This post is a summary of why I think these trends may be relevant to you, and how getting onboard now can help you add long-term value to your organization.

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Preparation and Goal Setting

Thu, Oct 1, 2015 @ 07:30 AM / by John Froelich posted in project management

In my previous blog I suggested that there are three things that we must do if we are to succeed at anything.:  Focused preparation that is aligned to our corporate vision, excellence in execution and thoughtful follow through.  The crucial first steps are to create a clear vision of success and then setting goals to achieve that vision.  Embarking on any project be it a presentation or an IT project such as Revenue Accounting without a vision and roadmap/goals is insanity.  It is akin to getting in a car and driving with no destination in mind, no map, and no idea of when you plan to get there.  Then add a mud-covered windscreen and you have a recipe for disaster.

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Preparation Begets the Event - Thank You, Bill McDermott

Mon, Jul 27, 2015 @ 07:26 PM / by John Froelich posted in project management

Bill was right.  When I joined SAP, then head of the US Sales Bill McDermott used to tell us preparation begets the event.  He was right.  The more we prepare the better ready we are to execute.  

Whether it is a foul shot, a three pointer to win the game, or a penalty shot shoot out at the end of World Cup or putting to win, or lose, the US Open… preparation is crucial. 

But in the world of sales and consulting, I would argue preparation is not enough.   Winning is about three things:  Preparation, Execution and Follow-Through.  

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SAP Cloud for sales : For today and future

Tue, Feb 18, 2014 @ 10:00 AM / by John Froelich

With its attractive, easy-to-use interface; social collaboration features; real-time analytics for ‘in-the-moment’ intelligence and mobile access, SAP Cloud for Sales from Bramasol, Inc has transformed our lives. We now work smarter and sell better.

Learn more by downloading the solution overview below:


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SAP Cloud for Social Engagement

Wed, Dec 4, 2013 @ 10:30 AM / by John Froelich

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