"Big So What" episode on Predictability

This week's "Friday Big So What" episode focuses on Predictability, with a quick look at why it's important, how it can put people at ease, and a review of what's entailed with creating it.

Click below to view the 5-minute episode.

I hope you enjoyed it!

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All the best,

John Froelich
Bramasol VP of Strategy

About the author

John Froelich

Senior Vice President Digital Services at Bramasol, Inc. In his role at Bramasol, John Froelich draws upon more than 35 years of global sales, marketing, and executive leadership experience with Fortune 100 companies such as SAP, IBM, AT&T, and Avaya. John, a Global Sales and Marketing "Essentialist" believes outstanding results are achieved through a focus on what is essential and core to your business.