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Webinar: RevRec Standalone Selling Price – New Insights

Fri, Mar 7, 2025 @ 03:36 AM / by Bramasol posted in SAP cloud-based, webinar, SAP, SAP RAR, s4/hana cloud, ASC606, IFRS15, S/4HANA, AI, Compliance, Standalone Selling Price, SSP

7 years after the launch of ASC 606 and IFRS 15, we have learned a lot about Revenue Recognition and in particular, Standalone Selling Price (SSP). Join our team of experts as we explore learnings from over 50 projects and share insights on implications of SSP. We will talk about the types of approaches to SSP and explore the ways various companies have applied this. SSP has become a huge driver of downstream and upstream processes and is a key area that deserves ongoing attention. In this new webinar, our experts in SAP RevRec solutions and SAP Cloud will provide a deep dive into how you can assure that your SSP processes are up to date and ready for the next waves of change.

Some of the issues we will touch on include:
• Summary of SSP modifications since initial adoption
• Clarifications of SSP determinations for Intellectual Property
• Variable Consideration impacts on SSP
• How contract modifications impact SSP
• Opportunities for enhancing SSP and RevRec disclosures with SAP Cloud
• A peek ahead at how new AI capabilities will streamline SSP calculations and disclosure reporting.

If you want to stay compliant and optimize your business processes, including SSP integration, this is the webinar for you!
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Webinar: Learn All About the Extensibility Options Built into SAP Cloud ERP

Wed, Feb 5, 2025 @ 05:25 AM / by Bramasol posted in cloud, SAP cloud-based, webinar, SAP, SAP RAR, s4/hana cloud, ASC606, IFRS15, S/4HANA, AI, Compliance, public cloud

Among the many advantages of moving to SAP Cloud Public or Private Edition is greater ability to leverage a fit-to-standard approach that optimizes performance, maintainability, and scalability, while reducing cost and complexity. This is supported by the Clean Core concept that establishes a standardized software environment and minimizes customization. However, many organizations will still need to implement some company-specific requirements.

The key to success is striking a balance between customizations and standardized processes in the core ERP software, with a goal of letting SAP focus on business processes so that you can focus on your company’s innovations.

That’s what this Webinar is all about.

Watch Now for a deep dive into the key Extensibility Options that are built directly into SAP Cloud, giving you the ability to create integrated, maintainable, custom extensions that mesh seamlessly with the Clean Core. You will hear from Bramasol experts who have front-line experience implementing SAP Cloud across a variety of scenarios requiring various levels of custom tailoring. We will address how SAP’s support for different extensibility options enables companies to address the full range of custom requirements, from making simple tweaks to accommodating complex legacy code.

The four specific Extensibility Options addressed in this webinar include:
• In-App Extensibility
• Low Code Side-by-Side Extensibility
• Pro Code Side-by-Side Extensibility
• Developer Level Extensibility

If you are looking at moving to SAP Cloud ERP and want to understand how your company’s unique requirements can be addressed within a solid, scalable, and maintainable software environment, then this is a must-watch webinar for you!
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Webinar: Kick Your Tired Old ERP Out of the Slow Lane and Accelerate into the Future with Bramasol’s 90-Day Pre-Packaged Solution in SAP Cloud!

Fri, Nov 8, 2024 @ 02:27 AM / by Bramasol posted in cloud, SAP cloud-based, webinar, SAP, SAP RAR, s4/hana cloud, ASC606, IFRS15, S/4HANA, AI, Compliance, public cloud

SAP Cloud Public Edition has emerged as a leading solution for bringing together ERP, finance, and a wide range of line-of-business capabilities for companies of all sizes and across many industries. Designed around clean core technology, SAP Cloud combines fit-to-standard reliability and maintainability, along with built-in extensibility to seamlessly add unique capabilities where you need them.

For companies with current or planned subscription-based offerings, Bramasol has built a sleek Partner Packed Solution (PPS) that can get any mid-sized or large company up and running with an end-to-end, Quote-to-Cash-to-Compliance infrastructure tojumpstartyour SAP Cloud journey.  If you fell for the myth that SAP Cloud is “too complex or expensive” let us show you how to get a complete implementation of core functionality along with Solution Order Management, Subscription Billing, and Revenue Recognition and Reporting – all in less than 90 days at an attractive budget level!

If you’d like to be pleasantly surprised about how easy it is to launch your SAP Cloud journey, join Bramasol and SAP experts for this webinar.  Don’t miss this on-ramp to your success with the leading cloud solution Watch Now!

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Webinar: Optimizing Fit-to-Standard with SAP Cloud Solutions, Clean Core and More

Wed, Oct 9, 2024 @ 04:04 AM / by Bramasol posted in cloud, SAP cloud-based, webinar, SAP, SAP RAR, s4/hana cloud, ASC606, IFRS15, S/4HANA, AI, Compliance, public cloud

When it comes to implementing ERPs and business systems, Fit-to-Standard vs Fit-to-Custom has always posed an important challenge for companies. Leaning toward custom code can provide uniquely tailored processes but can also lead to “digital debt” in terms of systems that are expensive to maintain and update.
On the other hand, Fit-to-Standard has often been viewed as not being sufficiently responsive for tailoring process to meet a company’s specific needs.  As a result of SAP’s strategic move to primarily cloud-based implementations, along with a plethora of tools to manage a clean core with options for implementing variations, the differences between standard and custom have become much easier to navigate.

In this new webinar, experts from SAP and Bramasol provided an overview of SAP Cloud Public Edition & Private Edition, Clean Core, GROW and RISE with SAP, Universal RevRec, and specific Partner-Packaged Solutions – along with various drilldown use cases that demonstrate how you can have the best of both worlds with cost-effective and scalable systems that are both standardized and adaptable for specific requirements.

Whether you are currently using SAP Solution or struggling with other ERP software that has maxed out on limited capabilities, this is a must-watch webinar to discover a new path forward. Watch Now!

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Webinar: SAP Universal RevRec with SAP Development and Bramasol

Thu, Sep 5, 2024 @ 03:36 AM / by Bramasol posted in SAP cloud-based, webinar, SAP, SAP RAR, ASC606, IFRS15, S/4HANA, AI, Compliance, public cloud

The latest innovation in revenue accounting is here – SAP Universal Revenue Recognition (RevRec) – and it's changing the game for businesses looking to streamline their financial processes. This powerful, cloud-based solution provides an adaptable and scalable platform, perfect for meeting your evolving revenue recognition needs.

Watch our webinar featuring SAP's Product Team from Walldorf and the experts at Bramasol as they are unveiling the cutting-edge capabilities of SAP Universal RevRec. Discover how this solution delivers real-time revenue recognition, contract-based RevRec with multiple performance obligation (POB) types, as well as comprehensive cost and project tracking.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how SAP Universal RevRec can revolutionize your financial operations!

What You Will Learn:

  • Real-time revenue recognition for improved financial visibility
  • Contract-based RevRec with flexibility for allocations and multiple POBs
  • Seamless cost and project tracking, all within a public cloud-based solution. 

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Webinar: Accelerate Your Move To Subscription Models with Bramasol’s Package Solution for Public Cloud

Fri, Aug 9, 2024 @ 02:38 AM / by Bramasol posted in SAP cloud-based, webinar, SAP, S/4HANA, public cloud, Partner Packaged Solution, qpps

Bramasol brings you a packaged solution that can get your subscription business up and running in 3 months on SAP Cloud Public Edition.

Learn about a powerful solution that enables you to manage a variety of subscription models including tiered pricing, consumption or bundles on an integrated platform including core finance, ERP and revenue recognition.

Hear about and see the scalable, flexible and secure solution that can bring you competitive advantage at a cost and timeframe that makes it hard to say no.

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Webinar- Learn About Powerful New Features In Subscription Billing from SAP Development

Tue, May 21, 2024 @ 12:41 AM / by John Froelich posted in webinar, SAP, AI, BRIM Solution,, subscribtion model, Digital Solutions Economy, DSE, RISE with SAP, Order to cash, quote to cash, EBRR, Recurring Revenue, CBRR

Watch Bramasol’s recorded webinar from July 25th, where John Froelich, along with David Eastlund, Christian Ilmberger, and Boris Aljancic from SAP’s Development team, discussed the powerful new features such as multi-currency and early billing that extend the capabilities of SAP’s premier cloud Order to Cash solution, Subscription Billing.

The webinar included a deep dive into how these new features work, and the panel addressed best practices for implementing them smoothly into your overall end-to-end, quote-to-cash to compliance landscape.

They also explored alternatives for connecting with various front-end customer-facing systems and back-end revenue recognition solutions. Lastly, the presentation provided insights into seamlessly optimizing these new features within SAP S/4HANA Cloud environments.

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Webinar- Demystifying SAP FI-CA for Handling High Volume and Velocity of Transactions in DSE

Mon, Apr 15, 2024 @ 01:29 AM / by John Froelich posted in Professional Services, webinar, SAP, AI, sapinsider, Digital Solutions Economy, DSE, Order to cash, quote to cash, Recurring Revenue, CBRR, High Tech, Software, Media, Life Science, PharmaCeutical, BRIM, SAP FICA

As the Digital Solutions Economy (DSE) has proliferated across many industries, the challenges of data Volume, Velocity, Density and Complexity have become critical for success.

In this webinar, experts from SAP and Bramasol provide a deep dive into how SAP FI-CA, with proven capabilities for contract accounting, helps to address the key Volume and Velocity issues. We will explore how FI-CA optimizes rapid processing of very high volume transaction flows by collecting, aggregating, and posting all detailed level information to the GL, while providing seamless ability to handle credit and collections. The panel will also address how FI-CA interfaces with SAP BRIM for subscriptions and with revenue compliance processes through SAP RAR’s Contract Based Revenue Recognition (CBRR) functionality.

If your company needs a way to efficiently process tens of thousands of transactions while retaining the ability to drill down and drill through to handle the details, then this is the webinar for you.  
There will also be an interactive Q&A session so post your questions below or bring them to the session.

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Webinar- Crucial Considerations in RevRec for Your S/4HANA Transformation

Fri, Oct 27, 2023 @ 12:43 AM / by John Froelich posted in SAP, SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting, financial transformation, Revenue Recognition webinar, Automated Revenue Management

During this webinar, we engaged in discussions with RevRec Experts from Bramasol and various other professionals, exploring essential factors in handling the shift from SAP ECC to S/4HANA and its impact on Revenue Recognition.

We touched on key considerations from actual projects around migration from SD RevRec to RAR, customizations of SD that impact RevRec and insights on migration of ECC RAR to S/4 RAR. We also talked about insights and considerations for doing RAR first or in conjunction with your S/4HANA project. Watch Now!

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