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Using Specialists for Revenue Recognition and Quote-to-Cash Projects Can Increase Value and Lower Risk

Tue, Oct 31, 2023 @ 12:06 PM / by David Fellers posted in Revenue Recognition, SAP RAR, revrec, CEO perspective, SAP BRIM, quote to cash, QTC

Most of us have encountered situations that call for turning to specialists with deep expertise in a specific area whenever it is critical for our health or safety.

For example, if tests conducted by your primary physician show problems with your heart, you'd expect a referral to a cardiologist rather than having your general practitioner do surgery in their office.  Or if the construction of your dream home encounters issues with soil stability in an earthquake prone area, your general contractor can be expected to bring in a trained geological specialist to deal with the situation. 

In business, the same concept holds true; especially for situations such as optimizing revenue recognition and reporting compliance for subscription-based product and service offerings, which often include complex entitlements, usage-based scenarios, bundled elements, and/or dynamic, on-the-fly, customer-driven changes within the end-to-end Quote-to-Cash process.

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