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Bramasol DSE Team

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Hot-Tip: How AI is Changing the SAP Ecosystem and Digital Solutions Economy

Thu, Oct 5, 2023 @ 01:24 PM / by Bramasol DSE Team posted in AI, Digital Solutions Economy, digital transformation

It seems like everyone is talking about AI these days, especially since new Generative AI (Gen AI) applications burst into the public consciousness in late 2022! 

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Ask the expert- Make Sense of Your Data and Escape Digital Debt with Convergent Mediation from Digital Route & SAP

Tue, Jun 14, 2022 @ 06:52 AM / by Bramasol DSE Team posted in SAP, digital debt, DSE, SAP convergent

With the rise of the Digital Solutions Economy (DSE), the seamless integration of end-to-end processes in the quote-to-cash cycle has never been more critical.
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Webinar- Free Up Cash, Lower Costs and Prepare for the Digital Solutions Economy with SAP In-house Banking

Mon, May 9, 2022 @ 11:00 AM / by Bramasol DSE Team posted in webinar, SAP RAR, BRIM Solution,, subscribtion model, subscription model, Revenue Recognition webinar, Automated Revenue Management, Digital Solutions Economy

As more companies and industries adopt subscription-based business models in the Digital Solutions Economy (DSE), they face new challenges in managing cash, cash flow and banking. And, as the volume and velocity of transactions increases exponentially, your cash application and cash management solutions must keep up.

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Ask the experts- Leveraging SAP BRIM to create highly integrated models for consumption/usage-based scenarios

Mon, May 9, 2022 @ 10:54 AM / by Bramasol DSE Team posted in webinar, SAP RAR, BRIM Solution,, subscribtion model, subscription model, Revenue Recognition webinar, Automated Revenue Management, Digital Solutions Economy

While leading edge companies are moving to subscription models, leading edge innovators are keep ahead with consumption and usage based models. The need for flexible plans without pre-defined spending levels demands a solution that is purpose built to handle the complexity, uncertainty, and volume of transactions. SAP BRIM provides a portfolio of integrated solutions that can be deployed individually or in a holistic approach. Regardless of which revenue generating model your company wants to apply, BRIM along with related SAP finance and compliance applications help optimize and consolidate business processes for sales, delivery, and billing.

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New Webcast - Everything as a Service (XaaS)

Wed, Apr 27, 2022 @ 10:54 AM / by Bramasol DSE Team posted in XaaS

Watch as Bramasol’s John Froelich discusses XaaS optimization with SAP’s Pete Graham and Heidi Zhao, with a focus on how Billing and Revenue Innovation Management (BRIM) and Revenue Accounting and Reporting (RAR) combine to integrate end-to-end, quote-to-cash-to-compliance in the cloud.

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DSE Webcast
Download eBook - Transitioning to ASC 842: Why Robust Analytical Reporting Tools will be a must for all Entities

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