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SAP-Centric Financials - Let's Talk About Leasing

Fri, Feb 17, 2017 @ 07:45 AM / by Bramasol Leasing Administration Team posted in Leasing

Big Changes Are Coming for Lease Accounting Standards

Join us at SAP-Centric Financials, Feb 21-22 in Dallas, TX, Booth #13 to learn more about these changes and to discover what you can do to prepare for them.

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SAP Insider Financials2016: See Nakisa on Leasing & Bramasol on RevRec

Wed, Mar 9, 2016 @ 01:42 PM / by Bramasol RevRec Team posted in Revenue Recognition, Leasing

Reminder that SAP Insider Financials2016 is March 15-18, 2016!

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FASB Issues New Standard on Financial Reporting of Leases

Mon, Mar 7, 2016 @ 05:36 AM / by Bramasol RevRec Team posted in Revenue Recognition, Leasing, FASB

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued a new Accounting Standards Update (ASU) intended to improve financial reporting about leasing transactions, which affects all companies and other organizations that lease assets such as real estate, airplanes, and manufacturing equipment.

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