How Would You Rate Your Social Media Customer Service?

social media customer service

Regardless of whether your business is prepared to welcome social media through your doors, it’s already waiting at the doorstep. Your customers practically live on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus (or the “big four” as HubSpot has dubbed them), and they expect to see you there. From a customer service standpoint, these social media platforms are where they will voice their feedback. And they hold the cards to help or hurt your business depending on how you approach them

For instance, Nielson’s 2012 social media report revealed that over half of consumers use social media to report satisfaction, lodge complaints, and ask questions. If your business isn’t able to respond quickly, there could be real consequences including lost business and a sullied reputation.

Conversely, taking a proactive approach can yield major points for your company. Look at the study that Social Bakers ran a month ago, comparing the quick Twitter response times of large brands. American Airlines ranked second with 12-minute response time average. This level of attention instills confidence and further support from long-standing customers.

To get to that fast-paced interaction point on your social media pages, your business would benefit from real-time tracking and message distribution capability. After all, if your social media team isn’t getting the right messages in a timely fashion, they may be out of the loop when it’s time to respond.

SAP offers Social OnDemand—a software solution that can help you monitor conversations across various social media channels while prioritizing key messages and trends. Take the first step in advancing your social media customer service by:

  • Using social media insight to improve performance and quality output
  • Improving efficiency in managing social media interactions
  • Combing social and in-house enterprise data to establish complete customer profiles
  • Analyzing team effectiveness, service trends, and overall customer sentiment
  • Managing reputational risks and opportunities in social media
  • Rapidly identifying daily Tweets and posts to respond in minutes

Bramasol is well aware of how social media is moving customer service to different digital altitudes. As a valued SAP Business Partner, we’ll help keep your customers satisfied across those channels. Click the button to download the SAP Solution Brief, Transform Your Customer Service by Delighting Customers Through Social Media.


About the author

John Froelich

Senior Vice President Digital Services at Bramasol, Inc. In his role at Bramasol, John Froelich draws upon more than 35 years of global sales, marketing, and executive leadership experience with Fortune 100 companies such as SAP, IBM, AT&T, and Avaya. John, a Global Sales and Marketing "Essentialist" believes outstanding results are achieved through a focus on what is essential and core to your business.