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RevRec Webinar Video: The Big Reveal. Disclosure Reporting in SAP RAR

Wed, May 3, 2017 @ 09:03 AM / by Bramasol RevRec Team

We invite you to view the latest installment in Bramasol's highly successful Revenue Recognition Webinar Series.

Recorded on April 27, 2017 this new webinar focuses on:
"The Big Reveal: Disclosure Reporting in SAP RAR"

Disclosure reporting is how you will "reveal" to the SEC and the world the decisions you made and implications for how you applied the new ASC 606 and IFRS 15 standards.

In this webinar video we explore the types of disclosure reporting required under the new ASC 606 and IFRS 15 standards for Revenue Accounting, including such things as backlog, deferred positions/revenue and asset and liability impacts. The video includes examples of the types of reports used that can leverage RAR

If you are a CFO, CAO, or Controller who doesn’t want to risk the impacts of failing an audit due to non-compliance with the new FASB and IASB Revenue Recognition standards or failure to properly make required disclosures, then you need to watch this presentation.

Click Here to View the Video of this New Webinar and all Previous RevRec Webinars in the Series

 April27 webinar


New Webinar Series on ASC 842, IFRS 16 and Lease Accounting.  Register Here.

Topics: revenue recognition, SAP RAR

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Download eBook - Transitioning to ASC 842: Why Robust Analytical Reporting Tools will be a must for all Entities

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