Service Performance Insight Teaming with SAP for Professional Services Webinar Series

SAP is running a series of webinars focused on the Professional Services market in conjunction with Service Performance Insight (SPI), a global research, consulting, and training organization dedicated to helping professional service organizations (PSOs) make quantum improvements in productivity and profit.

In 2007, SPI developed the PS Maturity Model™ as a strategic planning and management framework. It is now the industry-leading performance improvement tool used by over 6,000 service and project-oriented organizations to chart their course to service excellence.
The core tenet of the PS Maturity Model™ is PSOs achieve success through the optimization of five Service Performance Pillars™:

  • Leadership – Vision, Strategy and Culture
  • Client Relationships
  • Human Capital Alignment
  • Service Execution
  • Finance and Operations

SPI provides deep operating experience combined with unsurpassed analytic capability. SAP will not only diagnose areas for improvement but also provide the business value of change. We then work collaboratively with our clients to create new management processes to transform and ignite performance.

There will be four webinars in total, each one focused on the following:

  • Webinar #1 – Sept 17: Clarify your Organization’s Vision
  • Webinar #2 – Sept 24: Hire and Keep the Right People
  • Webinar #3 – Oct 1: Focus on the Right Clients
  • Webinar #4 – Oct 8: Execute Effectively and Efficiently

Register today!

About the author

Jennifer Cook